Test your STEM Knowledge by participating in the STEM Quiz Competition by Let’s Tinker App

Let’s Tinker App is not just a goldmine of STEM Knowledge but also gives opportunities to its users to test their STEM skills with the help of organizing PAN India STEM-Quiz competition every month. These STEM Quizzes are exclusively conducted on the Let’s Tinker App and are basically a Scientific theme-based quiz which consists of exciting questions that will test your acquired STEM knowledge and give you a chance to win exciting cash prizes.

What Will be Awarded to the Best Performer in the STEM-Q?

PAN India STEM-Q gives a platform for all the 8+ years old innovators to showcase their talent & skills with the rest of the nation. It gives them a chance to win exciting cash prizes if they are lucky enough to secure between the Rank of (1 to 10). Even if you as a participant are unable to secure rank among the Top 10 then also you will be awarded a certificate of participation. 

The Registration Fee is also very low, just Rs 11/- only. The best performer will be the one lucky student who will be able to finish the STEM-Q quiz in the least amount of time and will be awarded the First Rank and a cash prize of Rs. 1100/- only. 

How to Prepare for STEM-Q?

In order to prepare yourself for the STEM-Q you need to do the following things:

1. Attempt the Demo Quiz

Since the STEM-Q will be conducted exclusively on Let’s Tinker App so you need to download the Let’s Tinker App from the play store. In the Quiz section of the Let’s tinker app, you can attempt the Demo Quiz which consists of all the materials which will be useful for you to practice for the ultimate challenge of PAN India STEM-Quiz. 

The Demo Quiz will give you a chance to access your current STEM knowledge and will give you a clear picture of how many topics you need to cover up before the STEM-Q Competition. Some of the lucky participants will stand a chance to win a free registration to our Monthly STEM-Q Quiz competition.

2. Take Part in Mini STEM-Q

Every week Let’s Tinker App conducts a theme-based Mini STEM-Q which is also a good place to start. The Mini STEM-Q will be conducted every Friday of the week consisting of  Scientific theme-based questions that test your STEM knowledge. 

Participating and attempting Mini STEM-Q will be the best way to train yourself for the ultimate STEM Quiz Competition plus it will boost up your confidence level if you perform well in the MIni STEM-Quiz. It also highlights the areas in which you need more practice and further consolidates your overall STEM Knowledge. 

Is There any Upcoming STEM-Q Competition?

Yes. There is an upcoming STEM-Quiz competition that is based on the theme of Game of Forces which will go live on 19th July 2020 from 11:15 AM to 11:15 PM (12 hours).

Just like all the other STEM quizzes, this one will also be conducted exclusively on Let’s Tinker App (Android & Web platform). It consists of both English & Hindi content.

So, What are you waiting for? Register right Now to flaunt your  STEM Knowledge and claim your Throne to be the ultimate STEM champaign!

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