The 2nd Tranche of ATL grant will be released on proper utilization of the first tranche and successful implementation of the Atal Tinkering Lab in the selected schools. In this blog, we are going to talk about the eligibility criteria and other supporting documents that are required at the time of applying for the 2nd tranche of ATL Grant.
Before we move forward let’s talk about MyATL Dashboard which is developed for filling up the details by the ATL schools and for the submission of their monthly reports. It is mandatory for all the schools to fill up the details on the MyATL dashboard. This MyATL Dashboard provides AIM(Atal Innovation Mission) an opportunity to recognize the school’s active participation and achievements in order to determine the suitability of the school for the next tranche of grant disbursement.
To know more about the instructions of How to fill up the MyATL Dashboard for ATL click here
What are the Eligibility conditions for the Release of the 2nd Tranche of ATL Grant?

The eligibility conditions are listed down below:
1. Only those ATL schools shall be eligible for the 2nd Tranche of ATL grant who have submitted the complete information on MyATL Dashboard.
2. The 2nd Instalment of the ATL grant will be released on the utilization of about 80% of the 1st instalment under the Capital expenditure along with Operation & Maintenance Component.
What Type of Documents are Required for the Release of 2nd Tranche of ATL Grant?

All the schools must upload these necessary documents on the AIM portal which are listed down below:
1. Utilization Certificate
The Utilization Certificate must be duly signed by the HeadMaster/ Principal of the School and must be verified by the Finance/Accounts representative of the school. For getting the performa for the Utilization Certificate(UC) visit the AIM portal and download the “Form GFR 12-A Utilisation Certificate” from there.
Given below are the points which must be clearly indicated in the relevant columns of the Utilization Certificate
- The total amount of grants received,
- expenditure and the Unspent Balances of Grants received
- any amount earned as Interest
Other Important Things to Remember
- In the column for Grants-in-Aid General only, the whole amount of grant & expenditure against the grant shall be shown.
- The expenditure reflected in the Utilization Certificate should match with the expenditure reflected in EAT Report 02 of PFMS.
- The amount of expenditure under the “Capital Expenses” & “Operational Expenses” under different components must be indicated in a separate statement to be annexed with the Utilization Certificate.
2. Audited Statement of Accounts
It consists of financial statements that are credible along with the fair representation of the School’s performance and condition, prepared and must be certified by the Audit Officer. You can download the Performa for the “Audited Statement of Accounts” from the AIM portal.
These things must be mentioned separately
1. The component-wise amount of Expenditure Incurred
2. The unspent balances under the “Capital Expenses” and “Revenue/ Operational & Maintenance”
3. Interest Remittance Acknowledgement
Any one of the following documents can be uploaded on the AIM portal in order to establish that the interest earned on the amount of ATL grant has been remitted into Consolidated Fund of India in terms of the provisions of rule 230 (8) of General Financial Rules, 2017:
If the interest is deposited into Consolidated Funds of India online through Then the acknowledgment receipt/ Challan generated from Bharatkosh may be uploaded on the AIM portal.
In case the interest is paid by Demand Draft (DD), then you will need a copy of the Demand Draft(DD) and a forwarding letter with proof of despatch (For example, Speed post receipt etc.) must be uploaded on the AIM portal.
Case 3:
In case the interest is not generated, then a declaration on the letterhead of the school which must be duly signed and stamped by the Principal/Headmaster of school (for current account only).
4. PFMS cashbook and EAT report 02 and 03
All expenditures which are related to the ATL grant must be processed and paid through the expenditure module of PFMS only.
Important Things to Remember
- In case the expenditure is already incurred by the school (after the receipt of grant) but not paid through PFMS due to ignorance must be updated ex-post-facto through the expenditure module.
- Please remember that the Reports of Expenditure and Advance (EAT Report 02 and EAT Report 03) must be generated from PFMS only on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and it must be reconciled with a bank statement.
- One thing which you need to make sure is that the Component wise report (EAT03) must be reconciled with EAT Report 02.
- The latest reports which are generated from the PFMS must be uploaded on the AIM(Atal Innovation Mission) portal.
Special Note: It must be clear that any further releases of any ATL grant under to the particular school from Atal Innovation Mission(AIM) must be made based on the balances which are available as per the EAT module data of the school on the PFMS.
5. Tax Exemption Declaration
Given below are the two cases based on which any one of the following documents needs to be uploaded on the AIM portal
Case-1: If the school is exempted from payment of Income Tax
In that case, the following documents are required such as:
- A self-declaration on the school’s letterhead which must be duly signed and stamped by the Principal/Headmaster to the effect that the school is exempted from the payment of Income Tax under Section <indicate the relevant section> of the Income Tax Act.
- A copy of the Income Tax Exemption Certificate which is issued by the concerned Commissioner of Income Tax, if any, must also be attached along with the declaration.
Case-2: If the school is NOT exempted from the payment of Income Tax
In that case, the following documents are required such as:
- A self-declaration on the school’s letterhead which must be duly signed and stamped by the Principal/Headmaster to the effect that the school is NOT exempted from payment of Income Tax.
- A copy of the PAN Card of the school must also be attached along with the declaration.

So with the help of this blog the schools can learn about the guidelines for the 2nd Tranche of the ATL grant. They will also learn about the eligibility conditions for the release of the 2nd Tranche of ATL grant along with the required documents which are needed to be uploaded on the ATL portal. To know more about it click here