All the selected ATL schools must follow the ATL guidelines shared by AIM(Atal Innovation Mission) on their website for successfully running their ATL labs. For the selected ATL schools, a grant-in-aid of Rs. 20 Lakhs will be sanctioned for the establishment of Atal tinkering labs. This Grant-in-aid of Rs. 20 lakhs consists of Rs. 10 lakhs for One-time Establishment cost and the remaining Rs. 10 Lakhs will be used for Operational & Maintenance(O&M) expenses @ Rs. 2 Lakhs per year for a period of 5 years. ( Rs. 2 Lakhs per year x 5 years = Rs. 10 Lakhs).
Now let’s discuss the detailed guidelines for the utilization of grant-in-aid
Guidelines for One-time Establishment Cost:
The One-time establishment cost of Rs. 10 Lakhs which is provided for each ATL has been utilized in the following manner
A. Maximum Amount- Rs. 7 Lakhs (Rupees Seven Lakhs Only)
A.1. An amount of Rs. 6,50,000/- (Rupees Six Lakhs fifty Thousand Only) is used for the procurement of the ATL equipment within first 3 months after receiving the grant as per ATL equipment list (For a Batch of 60 ) and also ATL Equipment list (For a Batch of 90)
A.2 An amount of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) will be used for the procurement of advanced prototyping tools & materials which are based on ATL specific requirements. To know more click here
B. An amount of Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakhs Fifty Thousand Only) for the procurement of items like 3-5 laptops and a projector. It is advised to have at least 3 laptops available in the ATL lab.
C. An amount of Rs. 1,50,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) will be used for the purposes of the refurbishment of the ATL in terms of electrical fittings, whitewash & painting, etc. This amount is also used for other purposes like procurement of furniture like tables, chairs, storage boxes, etc, and in the printing of banners/board, signage, etc which can be undertaken by the schools.

Important Points to Remember
1. If the amount is over and above the mentioned amount then it shall be utilized from the school funds/contribution from other institutions/industries.
2. An ATL equipment list is provided by AIM to the selected ATL schools. The schools by using their mindful discretion shall procure additional equipment after purchasing from the list.
3. The Grant-in-aid for the refurbishment of ATL will never be used for any type of construction purposes.
4. The provided grant-in-aid will never be utilized for procuring items such as a printer, CCTV installation, mikes, and speakers, etc.
5. For getting ready for Innovation Challenges and showcases, the selected ATL schools can use the advanced prototyping fund for the procurement of tools & materials which are needed to make their prototypes ready.
6. The schools must buy laptops rather than desktop so that it will help the students to carry it along as a portable device easily with their prototypes, during the time of presentation and showcase.
Guidelines for Grant-in-Aid for Operation & Maintenance Expense
The Selected ATL schools receive an amount of Rs. 10 Lakhs for a period of 5 years i.e Rs. 2 Lakhs per year ( Rs. 2 Lakhs per year x 5 = 10 Lakhs per year). This Grant-in-aid must be utilized for the repair & maintenance of ATL equipment, purchase of consumables/spares and for the purposes of travel & accommodation reimbursement for ATL faculty/ATL students when they attend any kind of events/meeting or training program which is organized or notified by AIM.

For more detailed information about the Travel & accommodation reimbursement, you can click here
Important Points to Remember for Travel & Accommodation
1. All the ATL schools must use the most economical transportation & accommodation option which must ensure the safety of all faculty & students.
2. During such trips, it is the responsibility of ATL faculty to look after the students and ensure their safety. The students must also procure an undertaking from their parents or Guardians.
3. There is also a wonderful option using which the parents or guardians can accompany their ward at their own personal expense.
4. If there is a need for outstation travel of more than 600+ Km then the travel arrangements must be made with the cheapest air rates which are available. For the purposes of the reimbursement, the amount shall be restricted to the 3 Tier AC train ticket amount.
5. For any kind of international travel for any ATL related activity or competition, NO amount shall be used from the ATL grant-in-aid.
6. It is the responsibility of School Management to make sure that all the necessary bookings are done in advance.
For ATL-related Events
An amount of Rs. 50,000/- will be utilized for carrying out or organizing Intra & Inter-school ATL related events such as ATL Tinkerfest, ATL School of the Month, ATL Community Day, ATL Marathon, ATL Mentor Sessions, ATL Hands-on workshops for students, and ATL Training workshops for teachers ( which includes PFMS training also)
Special Note: The Grant-in-Aid must be utilized for events for which AIM(Atal Innovation Mission) has given any timely instructions.
For Token Honorarium
It is optional and not mandatory by AIM to pay an amount of Rs. 5000/- per month to one ATL In-Charge(only) on a monthly review basis. This amount can also be used for ATL community outreach purposes instead of paying to ATL-in-charges as per the ATL school’s discretion.
What Must be the Mode of Transaction for the ATL Grant-in-aid?
1. All the ATL schools are required to use the PFMS(Public Financial Management System) for any financial transaction related to the ATL grant-in-aid. To know about Guidelines for registration of schools on PFMS click here
2. The ATL schools are requested to register their vendors on PFMS before making the payments and must use PFMS for all the payments and advances.
3. All the Cash transactions are limited to a maximum amount of Rs. 500/- against any suitable cash voucher or bills.
4. If the transaction is over Rs. 500/- then it shall be made via PFMS online transfer(PPA mode) and all the respective bills shall be furnished.
5. If there is an unavailability of the Internet and PFMS service then in that case the schools can use cheque or NEFT.
What Kind of Things Does Not Require the Use of Grant-in-Aid?
The provided Grant-in-aid must never be used for the following purposes which are mentioned down below:
1. It cannot be used for the purpose of paying salaries to ATL-in-charge, any faculty lab assistant, equipment vendors, mentors, etc.
2. It cannot be transferred to any other bank account.
3. It cannot be used for procuring materials without any kind of valid bills.
4. It cannot be used for buying other types of school materials or lab construction.
Points Which Every ATL School Needs to Remember
ATL schools are NOT allowed to charge any money for any ATL activity or derive any monetary benefit from any student or their parents or guardians in any way whether it is a direct or indirect manner.

If the Grant-in-aid money is used for any other purposes as mentioned which is outside the scope of ATL guideline then it will be treated as a violation of the sanction and the grant can also be revoked.
How to Manage the Bank Account for Grant-in-aid?
All the selected ATL schools must ensure that the bank account in which the ATL grant has been credited is exclusively related to ATL grant and it does not include any other funds of the school otherwise they need to open a new bank account in a scheduled bank integrated with PFMS portal exclusively for the ATL grant.
To know more about guidelines for registration of schools click here
What Happen to the Interest Accumulation for the Grant-in-aid?
Any kind of interest which is earned on the bank deposit of the grant or others earnings against the grant will NOT be available for spending on the lab and is also NOT adjusted against the release of the next tranche. According to rule 230(8) of the General Financial Rules, 2017, all such interest or other earnings need to be mandatorily remitted to the Consolidated Fund of India after finalization of the accounts. The AIM(Atal Innovation Mission) will send the instructions for remitting the interest.
If the school reallocates funds for any other purposes and is not able to submit interests then in that case their fund will be revoked.
In this blog, we have learned about a few important points related to guidelines that every selected ATL school needs to follow for Grant-in-aid fund utilization. For more detailed information click here