The entire world is facing an unprecedented crisis in the form of COVID-19. Many nations around the world are following the examples of other nations to combat this disease. Most of the countries around the world are under the lockdown phase.
In India too a lockdown phase of 21-days is undergoing to avoid further transmission of the virus. This Coronavirus Quarantine has affected many people differently. The people who are facing the most challenges are parents. They have to fulfill two responsibilities – one as an employee and another as a parent.
Due to this many working-class parents are undergoing tremendous stress and psychological challenges. There must be a solution that could help parents better manage both responsibilities.
What is the solution for this?
Dear Parents, Just Chill! Tinkerly has got you covered.
Tinkerly has come up with the solution in the form of Boredom Buster Challenges that will keep your kids occupied while you can focus on dealing with your other responsibilities.
How to Take Part in the Boredom Buster Challenge?
You can take part in the Boredom Buster Challenge by downloading the Let’s Tinker App from Google Play Store.
Just tune in to Let’s Tinker App and you will see an In-app banner of Boredom Buster Challenge. Just click on this banner to participate in the Quarantine Challenges.
Then you have to complete a list of 21 Interactive Boredom Buster Challenges and you will get a chance to win up to 500 Let’s Tinker Cash. These Reward Points will be credited at the close of all the Quarantine Challenges.
What are the Boredom Buster Challenges all about?
A Boredom Buster Challenges is a wonderful idea to de-stress yourself from this quarantine lockdown. All the Challenges are inside the Let’s Tinker App which is based on imparting valuable knowledge to you.
These challenges are designed in such a way as it will give you a chance to showcase your inner potential.
What Type of Challenges are There In Boredom Boster Challenges?
There are a set of various exciting Surprise Challenges which you need to complete. All these Challenges are available In-app.
The App sections which you need to be focusing on these challenges are:
Activity Section- It consists of DIY STEM learning activities from Beginner to the Hard level.
Tinkerpedia- This section is a learning guide that provides information about various types of electronics components like analog & digital sensors etc.
Quiz Section: In this section, there are many quizzes that are based on STEM Knowledge.
Course Section: In this section, you will get a chance to explore content based on Arduino & Raspberry Pi.
Live Section: These live grooming sessions will cover the topics on cool science concepts.
So get yourself familiar with these sections that are very helpful for you in completing your challenges.
What are the Game Rules of Boredom Buster Challenges?
- You can perform the Challenges in any order you like.
- You need to check out for notifications on a regular basis. (Maybe Twice a day)
- After Completion of each Challenge, you will get a reward of Rs 10 Let’s Tinker Cash
- After the completion of 7 challenges, you will get a chance to win Rs 50 Let’s Tinker cash
- After the Completion of 14 Challenges, you will get a chance to win Rs 70 Let’s Tinker Cash
- After the completion of all the Challenges, you will get a chance to win Rs 120 Let’s Tinker Cash.
How to Nominate & Earn?
- Just click on the share button and share the challenge on Facebook.
- Just tag 3 of your friends with the post and stand a chance to win Rs 50 Let’s Tinker Cash
- In your post use the hashtags #tinkerly #letstinker #QuarantineChallengeTinkerly
What is the last date of the Boredom Buster Challenge Completion?
The last date for completion is till 14th April 2020.
What is the Prize Of Completing all the Boredom Buster Challenges?
After completing each challenge the participant will acquire some reward points. At least 3 Challenges need to be completed to win reward points. The Winner can win up to 500 Let’s Tinker Cash after completing all the 21 challenges mentioned above.
For active participants, there is a bumper surprise waiting on 3rd,7th and the final day of the challenge.
So make the most out of this quarantine and unleash the innovator in your kid.
Just Participate, Nominate & Win!