5 Amazing Platforms For Your Child To Learn AI & ML

Incorporating artificial intelligence, machine learning, and similar technologies into the curriculum is a priority of the National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020.

Immersion is the most effective method for learning artificial intelligence and machine learning. Young minds should be using AI and ML technology to train, test, and build machine learning models for better understanding.

It is high time that your child understands how the world functions. Being able to construct cool tech gadgets using AI and ML technology is the best approach to comprehending the amazing possibilities of technology.

Let’s look at the 5 best ML and AI learning platforms that will interest your child.

What are some of the best platforms for teaching ML and AI to children?

Machine Learning for Kids

This platform offers a simple and guided environment for the purpose of training ML models to recognize text, numbers, photos, or sounds. By providing hands-on training opportunities, this free tool introduces machine learning systems and can teach your child how to build amazing projects.

The fact that this platform is fully web-based and doesn’t require installation or setup before use is its most impressive feature. This platform helps to consolidate the fundamentals of AI and ML for your child in an interactive way.

Teachable Machine

A teachable machine is a type of web-based platform that is used to create ML models quickly and easily. It can recognize images, sounds, and poses. It is very adaptable; your child can use this platform to teach a model how to recognize images and pose using images or a live webcam.

Source: Teachable

It is not required to create an account. It is completely free and ideal for students. This platform is used to generate a Tensorflow model that can be integrated into any website, an Android app, or another platform.


Tinkerly’s AI learning kit for kids, called Troot, uses a scenario-based approach to help your child master the principles of AI. Your young one can build a variety of AI-based systems in the comfort of their own home with the help of Troot. It is the first children’s artificial intelligence learning kit created in India. Your child can design their own machine learning models and use them in Troot applications.

Source: Troot

The package comes with Plug & Play electronics, Android software, and DIY activity Maker Kits for a complete outside-of-classroom experience building numerous AI systems. Troot offers interactive Do-it-Yourself projects centered around AI-solvable issues that will help your child become the innovator of tomorrow.


Machine learning algorithms and home assistants are influencing children’s lives as they grow up. This open-source project has been developed to include interoperability with embodied intelligent agents and hardware, including Alexa, microbits, and Anki Cozmo. It now has the ability to train and use text and vision machine learning models.

Source: Cognimates

On the open-source Cognimates platform, your child can engage in creative coding activities where they can develop video games, control robots, and create their own machine learning models. Some of the activities are guided by embodied intelligent agents, which facilitates collaborative learning for them.

Google’s AIY

Google developed this effort to encourage ML research and user awareness. Your child can use the power of computer vision to construct their ML projects with the aid of the Vision Kit. Google has developed a new set of tools that will enable your child to create custom AI and ML applications that utilize capabilities like voice, face, and image recognition. This Google project division is known as “AIY,” a playful pun on “do-it-yourself [with AI]”. The items sold by AIY are referred to as “kits.” These kits are now offered in two variations: the Voice Kit and the Vision Kit.

Source: AIYprojects
Source: AIYprojects

While the latter assist your child with image recognition and ML, the former enables your child to construct projects in speech recognition.

Summing Up!

AI and machine learning technology are evolving rapidly. Young learners who are interested in this field have a lot to learn before they can realistically apply these technologies to their projects. Tools like AIY kits help young enthusiasts like your child gain a better understanding of subjects such as AI and ML in a more practical way. 

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