The advancement of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) has promoted the idea of learning by doing, with parents and their kids taking part in at-home scientific experiments. Until the age of 8-15, it is the perfect learning curve for these kids to explore the world of science.
So, if you are a parent and want to teach your child everything in a fun way, don’t forget to check out these 20 great science DIY projects:
1) Graphite Rod and Conduction

It is one of the simplest science DIY you can perform with your child to teach them how the electrical conductivity of a material can be changed. Graphite can be used in such an experiment to showcase the conductivity.
2) The White Mystery of Colors

Colors are always fascinating while teaching your child a lot about their behaviors while interacting with one another. The easy-to-use toolkit can help you to experiment in no time.
3) Water Boiling in Syringe

Water is a notorious compound by itself, so the idea of the experiment with our science DIY kits is to teach how temperature and pressure can contribute to the boiling of water. The high pressure of the syringe lets you boil the water even at normal room temperature.
4) Simplest Motor Ever

While mechanics can be hard to understand but not with this simple motor. It can be easily carried out by simple household elements like batteries, magnet, and copper wire. The idea is to teach your child how motorized parts of machine work.
5) How did the Balloon Burst?

Your eight years old may not understand the concept of hydrophobic and hydrophilic, but the same can be taught to them with orange peels. Just put some orange peel over the balloon and voila!
6) Am I a Solid or Liquid?

The states of matter are always fun to learn. This particular science project kit can help your child grasp the concept of how starch molecules work and act as a semi-solid within the liquids.
7) Nuts and Winters

There are several nutritional benefits when it comes to the consumption of nuts. With the DIY kits, teach your child in an interactive way all the fats, proteins, and oil energy that comes from nuts.
8) Iron in the Food vs. Magnet

Through the experiment, you can teach your child the importance of micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and potassium in our body. The magnets are just a fun way to describe how much iron is actually these in our foods.
9) Visualizing Nuclear Force

All the major forces in nature can’t be seen through naked eyes, and children like to believe what they see. This is a great experiment to teach them about nuclear, magnetic, and gravitational force through visualization.
10) Where is the Glass?

An experiment solely created to teach children about the refractive index of mediums. Figuring out the position of an object inside the glass is a great way to do so.
11) The Magic of Attracting Matchstick

Science Kits can help your child understand the concept more than anything. Now you can teach your child how iron oxides get reduced with the matchsticks. The kit is easy to use and fun to learn.
12) Colour Changing CO2

Raising the concern of global impact from the acidified ocean, it can help your child to understand how gases can also portray acidic and basic behaviors. Make them curious, and they are bound to learn.
13) Density Column

The fun experiment of mixing oil and water. Teaching them about insolubility and density can be hard at times, and that is exactly why separating liquids in real-time can help you better grasp the concept.
14) The Floating Iron

Busting the myth of iron is hard to float in water; this is yet another fun way to teach surface tension and other properties of water to your kid.
15) The Ionic Game of Water

Water is an endless sea of ions, and this is the best way to demonstrate how anode and cathode showcase their acidic and basic nature.
16) Reactivity of Metals

With the help of some of the most common materials like copper and iron sulfate and household items, carry out this experiment to teach the reactivity of different metals.
17) Let’s Metal Coat Your Key

Let your child learn the concept of electroplating and how the molecules of metal interact with each other.
18) The Photon Food

Photosynthesis! A concept even the adults have a hard time comprehending. With this experiment, show your child exactly how plants can make their own foods.
19) Extract Your DNA

Our saliva is a storehouse of our DNA, and with this neat experiment, you can teach your child how to extract it from the saliva. Fun and educational experiment indeed.
20) The Mysterious Water Pipe

We all know that water flows from the upper surface to the lower one. But, how about teaching your child the same with the involvement of pressure affecting the water flow?
Final Takeaway
Before wrapping up, it is very important to understand that; you don’t have to break a sweat for these educational toys. Even the simplest project can create an amazing wallop of fun for your child.