Tinkerly a Jaipur-based startup has come up with a unique idea of incorporating STEM toys in their play-based curriculum which are curated by a team of IITians. Its curriculum consists of the grade-wise concept of Logic building, AI, IoT , robotics, and coding specially designed for the students of Class 1 to 12.
When it comes to Tinkerly’s STEM learning & Coding course offerings, there are various factors that differentiate its course offerings in comparison to other online coding courses in the market.
Let’s compare Tinkerly’s Innovative STEM Learning & Coding Course with other courses in the Market:
Tinkerly’s STEM Learning & Coding Course vs Other Online Coding Courses:
Not Limited to Digital Learning Platforms
Unlike other online coding courses that use Screen-based learning, Tinkerly takes learning beyond the screen and educates the students about the thrill of experiential learning with the help of incorporating STEM toys (If a student chooses the Achiever Package then he/she will get an added advantage of STEM kits) in their play-based curriculum. This helps to solve the problem of passive screen-based learning in traditional online classes and limit the screen-time of the student.
Tinkerly basically makes 3 types of Interactive STEM kit-
1. For IoT learning
2. For AI Learning
3. Basic Science Exposure Kit
These amazing STEM kits are developed in-house by the Tinkerly team.
Uses a Flipped Learning Approach
It provides their students with the flexibility of learning and uses a combination of both Live Online 1:1 Classes as well as recorded lessons that are developed under the guidance of a team of IITians. After choosing a specific class package (Learner or Achiever), the student will be provided with access to the recorded lessons which are available on Tinkerly’s other product (Let’s Tinker App) available on Google Playstore. The student can learn at its own pace anytime, anywhere.
Affordable Price of Class Packages
While many other online coding courses are charging a very high price, Tinkerly’s course offers class packages in an affordable range which a middle-class family can easily afford. Tinkerly’s STEM Learning & Coding course consists of two basic class packages- Learner & Achiever.

The Learner class package provides foundational knowledge about coding to students and consists of 8 recorded lessons plus 3 Live One-on-One sessions under the guidance of expert educators.
The Achiever class package is a special package that starts from foundational learning, followed by simulation-based projects, and then moves on to real projects-based learning modules on AI, robotics, and IoT. This class package adds the flavor of experiential learning with interactive STEM kits. It consists of 24 recorded lessons plus 9 Live One-on-One sessions under the guidance of expert educators.
Build Devices, Working Models & Robots
While most of the online courses in the market are busy boasting about how their students can build an app at a very young age, with Tinkerly’s innovative course the students can do a lot more than just building an app with the addition of STEM toys in the play-based curriculum. They can even learn to build devices, working models, tangible real live projects that can solve real-life problems and can make a good contribution to society.

Personalized Attention
Many Online coding courses charge money per Live 1:1 sessions and after the session gets over they don’t pay much attention to student learning. With Tinkerly’s STEM & Coding course, the story is a bit different. Our expert educators with good mentorship experience understand the strengths and weaknesses of their students and depending on these along with other factors they plan out customized Online Live 1:1 coding classes that will cater to the needs of the student. They care about their student’s learning outcomes and give them a proper time for the revision of the concepts during the session.

Doubt Solving & Guidance
No matter how small the doubt or issue the student might have he/she has full freedom to ask their doubts by using the support section of the Let’s Tinker App. Our expert educators will analyze the problem and will provide the necessary solution and can also conduct a Live 1:1 Online class dedicated to doubt solving.
We have learned about the features which make Tinkerly’s course offering unique in comparison to other online coding courses. In a nutshell, Tinkerly’s STEM & Coding course is a One-of-a-Kind unique offering which is beneficial for the all-round development of the child. It sparks their interest in the STEM field and provides them with a future-ready skill set.