Artificial Intelligence or AI technology that has been regarded as the future of technology is still not even close to what its potential is portrayed in science-fiction movies. However, I am sure we will cross that bridge when we come to it! But, so far so good and AI technology have already added a lot to our daily lives, ‘Alexa’ agrees with me on this. Be it the automatic parking feature, smart face recognition or your personal assistants in your smartphones, AI is inevitably a part of our lives. And the technology doesn’t wait here, ‘AI Education’ is the new growing sector that is benefiting students and the education industry through effective learning.
The Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector estimates that artificial intelligence in the U.S. education sector will rise by 47.5% by the end of 2021. This helps us take a handful of insights into the potential of AI in the education sector.
Let’s walk down the article to see how artificial intelligence is transforming the education sector:
1) Personalized Learning Apps
Gone are the times when heavy guidebooks were the only resort to knowledge. Today, online learning apps are using AI and machine learning algorithms to personalize learning for every individual student. These ML algorithms use the data inputs and experience of a user to offer an interactive learning experience.
An advanced version of these e-learning apps is adaptive learning. These apps or programs are machine-assisted and are capable of curating data and preparing a knowledge path for students. It can give regular reminders on topics students have missed and drive better understanding on topics where a user shows reluctancy. These are supervised by teachers and redefine the overall learning experience. Some of the common adaptive learning programs are Byju’s, NextNPL, Khan Academy, etc.
2) AI-based Games for Students
‘Learning through Entertainment’ would be the right phrase to define adaptive learning games. E-learning apps have started promoting a more interactive way of learning by making adaptive games like quizzes, reasoning games, and math-problems for kids. These games are managed through machine inputs and keep the students engaged through regular reward points and level upgrades.
Marketers believe kids below 20 years of age are able to boost their learning potential by up to 200% through AI-based interactive games. This rightly defines the future of AI in the education sector.
3) Feedback and Scoring Programs
Artificial intelligence serves as the base for various feedback and scoring systems. AI combined with ML is used in designing programs that could virtually assist users and students in common operations like writing, calculating, speaking, etc. With this, these systems can assess a student’s skills over these operations and give actionable feedback to improve on. There are certain common apps like Grammarly and PEG Writing, that can assist users by providing correct grammar inputs. With this, feedback or corrections can help students improve their skills over time.
4) Smart Assistant for Organizational Tasks
Organizations are reaping the benefits of AI and ML by using them to complete various organizational tasks like grading, checking MCQs, generating article writing topics, managing online study material, assembling curated information, etc.
The use of AI in the education sector has improved the efficiency of various non-teaching operations like checking copies, generating results, managing syllabus, etc. This gives teachers more time to concentrate on core teaching activities. Moreover, with a faster feedback system, students are more aligned with the learning process and can take efficient actions according to the feedback.
5) Smart Content and Administrative Learning
Artificial intelligence joins hands with Big Data to screen through the learning patterns of various students and provide smart content. This also helps educational institutes to gain some insights into the latest learning trends and motivates them to devise better and more efficient ways of learning. Smart content can be in the form of audio podcasts, virtual classes, or video conferencing.
Smart content has turned tables to create digital books that can utilize the various senses of learning, including visual representations as well as audible texts. Students can now record sessions, generate personalized quizzes and test their skills themselves to learn better.
Summing Up:
Unlike the old days when education was restricted to classrooms, online learning has changed the landscape forever. In addition, AI education is the new face of efficient learning.
The global e-learning market is expected to reach $325 by the end of 2025 and a majority of e-learning programs would be influenced by artificial technology. For the organizations that are still reluctant in employing e-learning channels, – it is not likely to be an easy sail ahead! Furthermore, innovators believe that students are still to witness the glory days of education, which would be led by the Artificial Intelligence technology.