Robotics for Kids: How To Build A Smart Water Detection Alarm System?

Get ready to be amazed! In this blog, we will discuss how to build a real-life robotics-based project for kids. This project will help kids detect when the glass gets filled up with the help of an alarm system. 

So, acquire knowledge about how you can build a Smart Water Detection Alarm system for free!

What Is The Main Purpose Of Building This Robotics Project For Kids?

With the help of building this cool robotics project of Smart Water Detection Alarm system, the kids will understand the working principle of various electronic components like Alarm IC, On/Off Switch,  jumper wires, etc. They will learn the practical aspects of the water detection system. To understand more about this cool robotics project for kids, consider the following example given below:

Suppose there is a boy named Jugaadu. He lives as a tenant on the ground floor of a seven-story building. As a part of his daily chores, it is his responsibility to switch ON/OFF the pump to fill the water tank that is on the terrace. The landlord has a strict policy for all the tenants that if the tank water overflows, then the responsible person will have to pay a fine of Rs. 5000. Also, after repeated violations, the accused tenant will have to leave the building. He/She will have to pay a fine of Rs.10,000. Due to his busy student life, Jugaadu often forgets to switch OFF the water pump on time, as a result, tank water overflows. He has been fined twice due to his negligence. Now it is the last chance for Jugaadu, one more violation, and he will be thrown out from his residence by the landlord. He starts to think of a way that will protect him from the eviction from the building. 

While attending Tinkerly’s STEM Learning & Coding course, Jugaadu thought of a brilliant idea to build a cool robotics project for the Smart Water Detection Alarm system. He used his acquired knowledge from the course and started building the project. He wanted to first impress his landlord. He decided to first build a prototype for his real-life robotics-based project of Smart Water Detection System. 

By clicking on the image above, you will be redirected to the web version of the Let’s Tinker App.

If you are eager to know how you can build real-life robotics projects just like Jugaadu, then do check out Tinkerly’s STEM Learning courses. To get more information about our course, click on the button given below:

First of all, Jugaadu has collected all the necessary materials that he will require for building his robotics project. After that, he starts assembling these electronic components as shown in the following video given below:

After completing his robotics for kids project, Jugaadu gives a demonstration about it to his landlord. His landlord is so impressed by the robotics project that he told him to share his knowledge with his grandson. Now everything is sorted between the landlord and Jugaadu. They live happily ever after. 

Just like Jugaadu has built a robotics project for kids, your child can also create similar innovative projects. To know more about the thrill of Coding & robotics, visit the Google play store and download the free STEM learning app of Let’s Tinker. This app is a goldmine of STEM-based knowledge. This free app contains various STEM learning activity videos, an encyclopedia of electronic components, and other real-life projects. 

What Is The Process Of Building A  Smart Water Detection Alarm System?

By clicking on the image above, you will be redirected to the web version of the Let’s Tinker App.
  1. First of all, you need to fix a battery case to the chassis.
  2. Then, you need to connect the ON/OFF switch to one end of the battery case.
  3. After that, you need to connect a 2-way connector to the 2nd end of the battery.
  4. After that, you need to connect a 3-way connector to the 2-way connector.
  5. Now, you need to fix the speaker to the chassis.
  6. Then connect the 5-way connector to the 2nd end of the ON/OFF switch.
  7. After that, connect one end of the speaker to the ON/OFF switch by the 2-way connector.
  8. Then, you need to fix the alarm IC to the chassis.
  9. After that, you need to connect it to the ON/OFF switch by the 3-way connector.
  10. Then, you need to connect a jumper wire to the 2nd end of the speaker.
  11. After that, you need to connect another jumper wire to the alarm IC to complete the circuit.
  12. Now, you can test the system by dipping the jumper wires in a glass of water.


In this blog, we have learned how to build a Smart Water Detection Alarm System. We have also learned about the function of various electronic components like Alarm IC, On/Off Switch,  Jumper wires, etc. We hope you have acquired a lot of knowledge from this blog. Get regular updates on for our upcoming robotics-based blog.

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